Monday, July 28, 2008

obama for your mama

Saturday, I went to a youth for Obama meeting. Some State Politicians and Campaign workers from our town were there. It was very inspiring, and after they all spoke they had us split into groups and go door to door asking undecided voters who they were planning on voting for. We had a list of names and addresses, it was kind of scary but also decently fun. After about two hours of that, we came back and they handed out sheets to apply to intern at the Obama office downtown. Basically, you make calls, go door to door canvasing people and hand out fliers and brochures. I'm thinking about applying, but your supposed to dedicate 15-20 hours per week so I might just volunteer every once and awhile.

Anyways, the point to all of this is who are you planning to vote for? Whether its McCain or Obama you should get involved, just because you can't vote doesn't mean you can't do something. Find out if and where your cities Obama or McCain campaign office is and ask if you can help out. If you are going to complain if the candidate you support didn't win the election, then you've got to do something about it.


Betsey said...

thanks so much for your sweet comment! :)
i really like this post. its very impressive that someone so young is getting so involved in politics! its great, keep it up!

Vodi said...

Thats a great IDEA.