Basically, my grandparents live in a small cottage in Cape Cod for 6 months out of the year. Not going to reveal the name of the town. Almost every summer we come and visit them at their cottage . Its a nice long relaxing vacation. Schedule: wake up, eat breakfast, go to the beach, go eat lunch, go to the beach, eat dinner, watch Olympics. Yes, the Olympics! I am obsessed, but thats a different story.
Inside the cottage, my Grandma collects many knick-knack things.
i don't know if knick-knacks has a silent k but for me it does, haha
The Cottage, not the best picture ever but you get the gist.
My Grandmas beautiful garden
the picture does it no justice
Hydrangeas, my favorite flower
the wonderful screen porch
public part of the beach, LOADS of seaweed this year
our beach, private for residents etc.
less seaweed but still pretty bad
yay jetties
the end